Hiking the Otway Ranges

Hiking the Otway Ranges: Trails and Tips

Those who are bored can grace the Otway Ranges located in Victoria, Australia which offers various options for hiking. This is a country that is blessed with evergreen rainforests and a dominate canopy of eucalypt trees. There are options for both amateur walkers and experienced hikers in this region. From lush green temperate rainforests to the high dramatic coastal cliffs, the Otway Region hiking will keep you amazed while offering you some of the best scenic views in Australia.

Outdoor Exploration

Outdoor Exploration

Activities in the great outdoors in the Otways are revealed in different forms and veils. The temperate rainforests of the region exude tranquility due to their towering mountain ash trees and thick foliage, offering appealing hiking trails. Moving away from the forests you will discover distant horizons of open water & spools of sandy beaches & granite cliffs. The Otways are for everyone, if you are looking to take the picture of the rare platypus or get mesmerized by the sight of the lovely waterfalls. Every trail is unique in itself and complements the exposure to the diverse nature in this region.

Exploring the Great Otway Rainforest for Hikes

The Great Otway Rainforest is the most popular fell within the Otway Mountain diversity because of its large trees and different plant and animal species. Walking through this ecosystem is as if to be in a different planet. The heavy Mountain Ash and Myrtle Beech trees form the upper ceiling whereas thanks down understory is composed of ferns and moss. The fortunate scenario can be encountered here as glow worms and many types of birds that are scarce in other places can also be seen in this bio-dome. Places like Maeits’e Rest give an easy introduction to the region for the first timer while more advanced treks take one further into the alluring setup of the Otway ranges.

What You Will See When Hiking The Otways

For any naturalist’s’ passion for hiking the Otways provides a bouquet of reasons. Dangers of trekking are alleviated by vegetation or waterfalls, and especially noteworthy in this must-see Eden are Phantom Falls and Rainbow Falls. Treks along the coastline open up breathtaking views of the ocean including stunning secluded beaches including Johanna Beach and Wreck Beach. There are steep rocky cliffs and fern gulley and of great majesty are the Gellibrand River and the Aire River. The stunning scenery of the seen is spelt out in description that ensures any hike is different be it in old rain trees cover or central coast and rolling hills.

Trails in Great Otway National Park

Great Otway National Park has different bureaus to suit all types of hikers. They range from quick easy to multi-day difficult treks. Paths go through old either bush or snow forests, lakesides and gorgeous sea sides and hills. These include, but are not limited to, the Maits Rest Trail and the Lake Elizabeth Walk.

Hikes from the Cape Otway Lightstation

Cape Otway Lightstation

The Cape Otway Lightstation is a point of interest as well as one of the starting points for several good hikes. The cape is home to a popular lighthouse located on the edge of a cliff on the south Indian Ocean with breathtaking views. Everything is expected about hikes that start from the Lightstation which can be coastal as well as inland hikes with inner serene forests.

Lightstation – Aire River Walk

The Lightstation – Aire River Walk is one of the scenic walking trails that combine both coast and bush walking. On one end, the Cape Otway Lightstation is the endpoint and the other end is along the natural rugged coastline. The heath and forest interchanges a few times in between, which comes along with various animals and sun doused tranquilities in nature.

Mait’s Rest Trail

Mait’s Rest Trail, while not very long in length, offers a walk that is appropriately satisfying as it leads to one of the most attractive peninsula of Great Otway Rainforest. The particular trail forms a loop, passing through old trees and undergrowth that takes you inside the rainforest’s vegetation. This makes this particular trail very popular amongst tourists because of the peaceful feel and the nice view.

The Lake Elizabeth Walk

The Lake Elizabeth Walk is a picturesque pathway that guides the traveler around the episode of still waters known as Lake Elizabeth The ability to engage in this walk is especially commended owing to glowing attributes of the area as well as the chance to see some animals like the platypus. A combination of both forest and lake views close to where the laze and tranquility of the lake will be enjoyed and the reflective sunrise waters will likewise be seen.

The Great Ocean Walk

The Great Ocean Walk

The Great Ocean Walk is a multi-day hiking trek that runs the entire coastline from the Apollo Bay to Twelve Apostles. Indeed, the famed Great Southern Coastal walk offers dramatic stretches of the ocean, a diverse range of scenery and literally nature around you which you can explore closely. Great Ocean Walk is the long nature trail in Australia that will be perfectly suited for active vacation lovers who seek new experiences and picturesque landscapes.

Hopetoun Falls Walk

The Hopetoun Falls Walk is yet another short but beautiful hike that takes you to one among the many dramatic falls in the Otways. The path takes you down through a thick rainforest to a resume where it’s steam you expect a cloud of powerful water to emerging sided a dark canyon. More importantly, this hike is amust for anyone that appreciates nature since it complemented with thick scenery and loud waterfalls.

Triplet Falls Loop

Triplet Falls Loop

The Triplet Falls Loop is an easy walk that contains some of Otwarys most scenic waterfalls locations. The route goes through the romance of ancient tropical rain forests and there are several views of the waterfalls from different strategic locations. The greenery and swimming sound of waterfalls makes the experience transforming and unforgettable for the adventurers.

Overnight Hikes in the Otways

If however you’d like to make the visit much more deepened, then there gracious also other options in terms of overnight hiking in the Otways. The Great Ocean Walk has for sure earned its place as the most prominent on the horizon multi day trek though more than this one offers options with satisfying sleep facilities such in over more than that one at Allenvale Mill Camp Site. These overnight hikes give you the chance to extensively appreciate that the area has a wide range of I and diversity from high tropical forests to deep and white sandy beaches towering cliffs.

Preparing for Your Hike

To have a successful hike in the Otways, proper preparation is essential. The trail you choose to go for a hike has to be well understood, including its degree of difficulty, length, terrain, bush, or bush river crossing amongst others. Additionally, one should consider checking the weather and any emerging circumstances because the area can be affected by heavy storms and strong winds instantly.

Essential Gear Checklist

Before heading out on your hike, make sure you have the following essential gear:

Sturdy Hiking BootsEssential for navigating rocky and uneven terrain.
Weather-Appropriate ClothingWaterproof and windproof layers to handle severe weather.
BackpackTo carry supplies, food, and water.
First Aid KitFor treating minor injuries and emergencies.
Navigation ToolsMap, compass, or GPS device for tracking your route.
Headlamp or TorchUseful for early morning or late evening hikes.
Food and WaterSufficient supplies to keep you energized and hydrated.
Emergency WhistleFor signaling in case of distress.
Sun ProtectionSunscreen, hat, and sunglasses to protect against UV rays.

Safety Precautions

Because the Otways are very wonderful creatures essential safety is to be taken into account while hiking. Look for hazards including slippery tracks, river crossings, and excessive temperatures. Adhere to the rules and regulations of the natinal park in order to protect your safety and that of others as well as the park itself. Besides it is often a good idea to tell someone else about your plans for hiking and expected time of returning.


Hiking through Otways Ranges is a thrilling activity for all outdoor lovers as it presents a detailed and fun filled adventure. You will find a range of hiking tracks from in the lush ancient rainforests to resilient multi-day walks in the wild rugged coasts. There is always a solution for every type of hiker. With proper preparation and observance of nature, the awe-inspiring sights and distinct features of the gorgeous region will be fully appreciated. You can also book organized Great Ocean Road Tours, where you will be guided on hikes by an experienced guide.


What are the most popular hiking trails in the Otways?

There are numerous hiking trails in the Otways and some of the most common ones include the Great Ocean Walk, the Lake Elizabeth Walk, and the Triplet Falls Loop A. Not only do these trails cover different terrains, but they also span a wide variety of vistas such as the coast and the interior rainforest where the waterfalls are.

How can I prepare for hiking in wet conditions?

First, for wet weather, make sure to bring waterproof rain jackets, good trekking or hiking boots with good traction, and a good enough map or GPS. Be prepared for muddy terrains as well as river crossings which may be unavoidable.

What hazards should I watch out for while hiking the Otways?

Yes. Be sure of slippery tracks, unpredictable weather changes, and river crossings as potential hazards. Stick to the normal park rules and also let someone know your plans before going out.

What should I pack for an overnight hike in Otways?

For an overnight hike, enough food and water, with a jacket and a good tent, a sleeping bag and cooking utensils, should be carried. Look for camping sites like Allenvale Mill Camp Site and do not forget the navigation devices and first aid kit.

Can you see native animal species along the trail in the Otways?

Yes, there is rich Native wildlife in the Otways. The secretive platypus, a variety of birds and glowworms and other nocturnal animals in the Great Otways Rainforest are some of the species that you will encounter.